81 | End Of Second Half | It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game. |
81 | Conversion - Missed Right | The ball swings towards the posts but floats to the right, Morgane Bourgeois will have to re-adjust the radar. |
80 | Try - Passing Move | A wonderful passing move by France is finished off by Gabrielle Vernier |
80 | Try Assist | Suliana Sivi sets up the try. |
80 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Suliana Sivi bursts through to advance the France attack. |
75 | Substitution on | Kiara Zago comes on. |
75 | Substitution off | Madoussou Fall comes off. |
74 | Conversion - Missed Right | Morgane Bourgeois curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right. |
74 | Try - Rolling maul | Nobody could stop that maul! Elisa Riffonneau places the ball down for the try. |
71 | Substitution on | Australia decide to make a substitution, with Emily Robinson getting some game time. |
71 | Substitution off | Australia decide to make a substitution, with Eva Karpani being replaced. |
70 | Substitution on | Australia decide to make a substitution, with Sarah Dougherty getting some game time. |
70 | Substitution off | Australia decide to make a substitution, with Layne Morgan being replaced. |
70 | Conversion - Kicked | Arabella McKenzie has kicked a conversion. |
69 | Try - Close range | Eva Karpani scores the try from close range. |
67 | Substitution on | Australia make a substitution with Melanie Wilks coming on. |
67 | Substitution off | Australia make a substitution with Faitala Moleka coming off. |
65 | Substitution on | France make a substitution with Carla Arbez coming on. |
65 | Substitution off | France make a substitution with Lina Queyroi coming off. |
62 | Substitution on | Australia sub Atasi Lafai comes onto the field. |
62 | Substitution off | Sera Naiqama departs for Australia. |
61 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | The touch judges raise their flags as Arabella McKenzie kicks the penalty goal. |
60 | Substitution on | France sub Emeline Gros comes onto the field. |
60 | Substitution off | Lea Champon departs for France. |
58 | Substitution on | Assia Khalfaoui comes on for France. |
58 | Substitution off | Clara Joyeux leaves the field. |
58 | Substitution on | Cecilia Smith comes on for Australia. |
58 | Substitution off | Carys Dallinger leaves the field. |
58 | Substitution on | Leilani Nathan comes on for Australia. |
58 | Substitution off | Siokapesi Palu leaves the field. |
58 | Clean Break | What a run here by Manae Feleu as they get over the gainline! |
54 | Clean Break | What a run here by Coco Lindelauf as they get over the gainline! |
54 | Substitution on | Adiana Talakai comes on. |
54 | Substitution off | Tania Naden comes off. |
54 | Substitution on | Bree-Anna Cheatham comes on. |
54 | Substitution off | Brianna Hoy comes off. |
52 | Substitution on | Gabrielle Vernier comes on. |
52 | Substitution off | Marine Menager comes off. |
52 | Substitution on | Pauline Bourdon Sansus comes on. |
52 | Substitution off | Alexandra Chambon comes off. |
52 | Conversion - Kicked | The touch judges raise their flags as Carys Dallinger kicks the conversion. |
50 | Try - Close range | Nothing was going to stop Eva Karpani from scoring as they record the try for Australia. |
50 | Try Assist | Siokapesi Palu sets up the try. |
47 | Substitution on | France decide to make a substitution, with Coco Lindelauf getting some game time. |
47 | Substitution off | France decide to make a substitution, with Yllana Brosseau being replaced. |
44 | Clean Break | Emily Chancellor makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea. |
41 | Substitution on | Australia make a substitution with Arabella McKenzie coming on. |
41 | Substitution off | Australia make a substitution with Cecilia Smith coming off. |
40 | Start Of Second Half | The second half kicks off. |
41 | End Of First Half | The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms. |
41 | Substitution on | Australia make a substitution with Cecilia Smith coming on. |
41 | Substitution off | Australia make a substitution with Arabella McKenzie coming off. |
35 | Penalty Goal - Kicked | Morgane Bourgeois has kicked a penalty goal. |
24 | Conversion - Missed Right | Carys Dallinger curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the right. |
23 | Try - Passing Move | A wonderful passing move by Australia is finished off by Georgina Friedrichs |
22 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Georgina Friedrichs bursts through to advance the Australia attack. |
22 | Try Assist | That's a great try assist by Carys Dallinger. |
22 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Georgina Friedrichs bursts through to advance the Australia attack. |
21 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Nassira Konde bursts through to advance the France attack. |
18 | Clean Break | This is dangerous for the defence as Marine Menager bursts through to advance the France attack. |
16 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Emilie Boulard took full advantage. |
14 | Conversion - Kicked | Morgane Bourgeois converts the try. |
13 | Try - Passing Move | A series of passes by France results in a try for Emilie Boulard |
13 | Try Assist | Spellbinding play by Marine Menager is finished off with a try. |
13 | Clean Break | A gap opened in the defence and Marine Menager took full advantage. |
3 | Conversion - Kicked | Carys Dallinger has kicked a conversion. |
2 | Try - Passing Move | Great hands by Australia leads to a try for Eva Karpani |
2 | Try Assist | Georgina Friedrichs sets up the try. |
2 | Clean Break | The defensive line has been broken as Georgina Friedrichs goes through the gap. |
0 | Start Of First Half | We are underway as the referee blows their whistle. |